
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Work Smarter, Not Harder - How to Unfck Your Work - The Creative Nomad

One of my tiny rituals that I love to do occasionally is to listen to podcasts while I wash dishes. I was just listening to an episode of Tim Ferriss with James Clear the writer of Atomic Habits. Do 1 to 2 things a day that will continue to work for you in the long run like doing a podcast, that can be listened to over and over again since it is recorded, instead of a radio interview…then 2 to 5 years later “you just have this tidal wave of previous effort that is working for you.”

Layer your assets is another one of James Clear’s tips for leveraging work with a small team. This is actually what I am working on implementing at the moment. Piece by piece, Bird by Bird (link), I am writing blog posts and researching topics that are interesting to me and helpful to myself and other creatives, but at the same time I am doing something I love, perfecting my craft. 

Also, I think I am writing a book using the same material. Blog by blog = subject by subject turning into chapter by chapter.

Okay, I guess it's official. I’m writing a book. I kind of thought I was but I uttered the words on Friday 27 January 2023, and it felt right for the first time.

O sea, since Meta is essentially choking off our content on Instagram and I’ve never gotten any traction on Facebook, You (I) might have to encourage ourselves to think of our Instagram posts as ‘baby blogs’ just to put the effort into continuing to craft posts for a platform that now seems nearly irrelevant for building my business.

The Transformative Journey to Ikigai: Unlocking Creativity & Fulfillment in Midlife Career Transitions

The Power of Pinterest for SEO (Especially for Creative and Visual Brands)