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Holistic And Intuitive Interior Design 101: What Crystals Are Best For Your Home and Their Healing Properties

Crystals are beautiful—but did you know they can also help your home? Whether you're looking for an easy way to add some class and style or simply want to make your space feel more peaceful, crystals are the perfect solution. They've been used for centuries in everything from jewelry and clothing to architecture, so it's no surprise that people have begun using them in their homes as well. Crystals have many health benefits as well. Many of us don't realize how much energy we absorb from our surroundings by being in a busy city or working at a computer all day. But crystals can help block out those unwanted energies while they simultaneously provide positive ones! Here are some of the best crystals for each room:

Black Obsidian

Black Obsidian is a powerful stone that can be used to remove negative energy, ground and protect you from outside influences. It is also excellent for healing, helping to mend the body and mind after dealing with any kind of trauma or injury.

This stone can be especially useful in areas where there is negativity or stress present. For example, if you are experiencing a lot of stress at home or work due to family issues or other problems, then this crystal will help move those feelings away from yourself so that they don't affect your mood negatively. It's also great for protecting children who may be bullied at school because it will allow them to feel safe when going out into the world.


For your living room, you'll want a stone that helps with creativity and manifestation. Carnelian is all about these things. It's an abundance stone, so you can use it to help manifest anything you want into your life (like more money or a new living room set). If there's something specific that you want to create in the world—maybe it's a painting, song, or dance move—carnelian will help give you the courage and motivation to do so.

Carnelian is also great for protection because it encourages confidence in yourself and those around you. If someone doesn't like what they see when they look at your living room decor (or if they feel jealous of someone else), they may try to bring down those aspects of life by criticizing them or making fun of them—but not with this crystal around! The vibration of its energy will bounce back any negative feelings toward anyone looking at its beautiful orange coloration.


Citrine is a yellow-orange variety of quartz, and it's the stone we recommend for your kitchen. It's symbolic of abundance, prosperity, and wealth; its sunny energy will stimulate the fifth chakra (your solar plexus) to help you feel confident in yourself and your material assets. The fifth chakra also controls digestion and metabolism, so citrine could be good for weight loss. Citrine is also associated with joy—so you'll be able to get excited about cooking again!

Clear Quartz

If you're into crystals, you might be familiar with clear quartz. It's a powerful healing crystal that will help balance your energy, and it can be used to perform rituals. If you want to incorporate this gemstone into your home decor, here are some places you should put it:

  • Bedroom: A great place to start is in the bedroom. Clear quartz is associated with clarity of mind, so having one on your nightstand will help calm down any emotions or thoughts that could get in the way of a good night's sleep. You'll also want one near your bed if you're trying to conceive because it helps increase fertility!

  • Living Room: If you have an office space attached to your living room (or if for some reason all three rooms are combined), clear quartz can work there as well! Putting one on top of a bookshelf or table will give any section of wall that extra burst of energy necessary for productivity throughout the day.

  • Kitchen: Whether it's a small apartment kitchen or an industrial-sized studio space filled with appliances and gourmet cookware from Williams-Sonoma (who am I kidding?), adding this gemstone will give off positive vibes throughout the whole house and make sure everyone who comes over feels welcome no matter where they go first when visiting someone new at their place


The stone garnet is most associated with passion and love, as well as the heart chakra. It also helps to balance relationships and bring harmony to them. Blue Kyanite is a powerful stone for communication, especially public speaking. It opens and balances the throat chakra, which allows you to have more mental clarity—and even mental telepathy.

This crystal has been known as an energy amplifier, so it's great not just for those who have trouble opening up socially but also those who need help amplifying their own natural abilities such as creativity or intuition during times of stress (or if they're feeling sick).


Hematite is a stone of protection and grounding. It's a good stone for people who are sensitive to energy or have anxiety, because it helps them to feel more stable within themselves. It's also great for those in the medical field, as it helps them stay calm and focused when dealing with stressful situations such as surgery, hospital visits, etc.

Labradorite is a stone of universal consciousness. It will help you stay connected to the universe in an easier way—without getting lost along the way! Labradorite keeps you grounded while you're exploring outer space (or anything else), so that when you want to come back home again, there won't be any problems finding your way back!


Kyanite is a blue-gray crystal that is used to promote peace and harmony. It's also used to promote communication between people, which makes it a great stone for meditation. You can use it as a tool in your own meditations or even use it with other crystals during spells. Kyanite will help you connect with the energy of the Earth, making it an ideal choice for rituals or spells that involve psychic abilities!


Labradorite is a stone of transformation. It assists you in releasing the old and embracing the new, allowing you to move forward in your life with clarity and purpose. Labradorite also has a strong connection with magic and can be used to help focus your intent when performing spells or rituals.

It’s no surprise that Labradorite is one of the best stones for protection against negative energy; it will guard against any type of psychic attack by absorbing negative energy before it reaches you! The protective properties are so strong that this stone should be worn throughout all levels of your home for protection from all kinds of bad vibes—from people who might want to hurt you or just from feeling out-of-sorts because someone left dirty dishes in the sink again (and again). Plus, if there are any ghosts around? No worries! Labradorite will work hard at keeping them at bay!


In the bedroom, Pyrite is a great stone for increasing creativity. It’s also helpful if you suffer from insomnia, add a Pyrite crystal to your pillow or nightstand. This will help clear your mind so that sleep comes more easily.

If you’re looking for extra energy and motivation, place a piece of Pyrite in your office space to keep those creative juices flowing. It’s also a good idea to keep one on hand if you find yourself procrastinating tasks at work or school; this mineral can help motivate you into taking action without feeling overwhelmed by them!

If there are areas in our lives where we feel stuck or lack self-confidence and empowerment, Pyrite can bring about positive changes. For example: If you have been struggling with anxiety or depression lately, placing several pieces throughout the house could provide much needed support and comfort (especially when combined with other stones like Lapis Lazuli).

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is a stone of love. It brings a sense of harmony and peace to the home, and can be used to help you find forgiveness, compassion, self-love and healing.

The energy of rose quartz will help you connect with your emotions in an open way that allows you to feel more love—both for yourself as well as others around you—as well as allowing others to feel loved by you!

Smoky Quartz

Smoky quartz is like the Toyota Camry of crystals; it's been around forever and works really well. If you're looking for something to help you sleep better, this is a great choice. It also has a calming effect on your emotions, which can be useful if you've been having trouble getting enough rest lately. It's best used in bedrooms or meditation spaces due to its calming qualities.

If you have any extra Smoky Quartz laying around the house (and why wouldn't you?), place one on top of each spice rack in your kitchen so that they last longer by absorbing excess moisture from food storage containers and keeping insects away from them as well!

Tiger's Eye

Tiger's eye is a stone of protection and good luck. It is said to protect the wearer from negative energy and bring good luck, wealth and prosperity to them. Tiger's Eye brings a special boost to the solar plexus chakra, your energy center and personal power. This stone helps you recognize your own need for personal power, self-confidence, and self-esteem.

Not only are crystals beautiful, they also help energy flow through your home. Learn more about which crystal to choose for each room of your home here.

Not only are crystals beautiful, they also help energy flow through your home. Learn more about which crystal to choose for each room of your home here.

For those who are new to the world of crystals, it can be hard to know where to start. The first step is choosing a stone that resonates with you or feels right in your hands. After that, you can use this guide as a starting point for choosing crystals specific to each room in your house.


Which crystal is best for your house? We hope we've provided you with some information to help you make an informed decision. If you're still unsure, feel free to experiment with different crystals in each room and see what feels right. Eventually, one crystal will guide itself there and become the perfect stone for you!

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